JVAM Colorado Mountain Law Firm and Attorneys Logo Full Color


Not any attorney can practice construction law. Construction disputes and matters require lawyers who understand the process of how a structure is built, in addition to planning, budgeting, and other considerations. If you’re an engineer, architect, developer, builder, contractor, or anyone else in the construction industry and are faced with a dispute, you need a lawyer who speaks your language.

At JVAM, we not only have attorneys who understand the construction process and industry, but we also have the litigation experience to resolve your dispute. We also bring a deep knowledge of business and real estate to your construction matters, allowing us to provide you with empowering advice and achieve the results you need.

JVAM’s construction law practice covers:

  • Contracts: We prepare, negotiate, and review contracts and also provide feedback.
  • Dispute resolution: We resolve matters before they turn into litigation, mediate disputes, and achieve results through litigation when necessary.
  • Finance: We represent clients through the process of securing financing or repayment.
  • Insurance:  We advise construction clients on appropriate policies and coverage matters.
  • Liens: We file claims on behalf of property owners, developers, and contractors and also defend these clients against lien claims.


With several locations across Colorado, JVAM builds and protects companies, estates and livelihoods. Let us be your partner in achieving your goals.


With several locations across Western Colorado, JVAM builds and protect companies, estates and livelihoods. Let us be your partner in achieving your goals.


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